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时间:2018-06-25 17:27    作者:admin 返回列表



In recent years, haze, ozone pollution and acid rain that affect people's lives are closely related to nitrogen oxides (NOx). Nitrogen oxides (NOx) have great damage to the environment. The combination of nitrogen oxides and water in the air will eventually convert into nitric acid and nitrate. Nitric acid is one of the reasons for acid rain; it can produce photochemical smog under certain conditions.

With the development of large capacity and high parameters in the direction of boiler units, it is the goal of modern combustion technology to achieve high efficiency combustion, reduce pollutant emission, improve the adaptability of coal and improve the safety and reliability of operation. Among them, the effective reduction of NOx emissions is the first place.



1. NOx 排放


2. 尾氧含量

为了达到充分燃烧的极限过剩空气系数为大约1.1, 对应的理论尾氧含量为大约2%. 更高的尾氧含量通常意味着燃烧器效率的降低。理想的燃烧器最好尾氧含量可以控制在3%以内;市场上表面燃烧的燃烧器的尾氧含量通常在7%左右,相对于3%的尾氧含量,意味着产生相同的热量,需要多耗费大约6~8%的天然气。对于常年运转或者设备长期在较高负荷运转,天然气消耗量比较大的业主,选择一款尾氧含量低的燃烧器对于降低运行成本至关重要。

3. 可调比


4. 其它主要考虑因素


Main parameters of low nitrogen burner selection

1. NOx emission

It is necessary to meet the national and local environmental emission requirements. On the premise of meeting the requirements, from the point of view of the social responsibility of the enterprise, we should choose the lower NOx emission equipment as far as possible.

2. tail oxygen content

To achieve full combustion limit excess air coefficient is about 1.1, the corresponding theoretical tail oxygen content is about 2%. higher tail oxygen content usually means reducing the burner efficiency. The best tail oxygen content of the ideal burner can be controlled within 3%; the tail oxygen content of the combustor on the market is usually about 7%, compared with the 3% tail oxygen content, which means that the same amount of heat is produced and the natural gas of about 6~8% is needed. For the owners who run for a long time or the equipment is running at a high load for a long time and the gas consumption is large, it is very important to choose a burner with low tail oxygen content to reduce the operating cost.

3. adjustable ratio

The low nitrogen burner with electronic proportional adjustment should normally have a high adjustable ratio of at least 5:1. The lower adjustable ratio means more ON/Off startup and shutdown in actual operation, and at the same time it means more natural gas consumption. It is very important to choose a high adjustable burner for reducing the consumption of natural gas, reducing the operating cost and prolonging the service life of the equipment, unless it is a boiler in a relatively small stable interval.

4. other major considerations

Combustion stability is the main consideration for choosing low nitrogen burner, including the reliability of the equipment itself. Before the implementation of the low nitrogen standard in Beijing, the world wide range of low nitrogen standards is mainly in the United States, so basically only the major sales markets in the United States have a long experience in the field of low nitrogen burner in the field of burner.

上一篇:低氮燃烧器选择考虑的主要参数 下一篇:工业锅炉低氮燃烧器改造的技术分析

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